
Heal, Transform, Connect


Phoenix Rising Retreat

Experience deep emotional healing in a safe environment. Get to the root of yourself in this intensive 2 night, magical ceremony surrounded by serenity here at Crystal Roots.
The phoenix is a mythological bird that recycles its own life. When it perceives its impending death, the phoenix ignites itself into a magnificent fire. In time, it reemerges from its own ashes – reborn, renewed, and very much alive. The human soul is like a phoenix. No matter how many times it gets burned and turns to ashes, it will always be able to rise again. Together we will tap into our magnificent potential of death and rebirth. What do we need to burn to the ashes? What do we need to re-birth in our lives?
A phone consultation is required before booking at 519-925-3593. This retreat is hosted and facilitated by Nubia & Zora.